Video is one of the most powerful forms of communication. It can help you reach your audience in a way that text, email, or social media simply can’t match. And when it comes to engaging audiences, video is king: Companies that use commercial video production generate 67% more leads than those who don’t use any videos at all.

Video is a powerful medium that can help you reach your audience in a way that text, email, or social media simply can’t match.

Video can be used to break through language barriers and appeal to global audiences. Videos are also great at making people feel more connected with the brands they love, which is why so many companies use them as part of their marketing strategy.

People who watch videos are more likely to buy a product than those who don’t.

Video is more persuasive than text. Studies show that people who watch videos are more likely to buy a product, service, or idea than those who don’t.

Video can help you explain your product or service in an engaging way. Video content has become increasingly popular because it allows companies to communicate complex messages quickly and effectively and it’s easier for people to understand them through visual cues rather than reading long blocks of text or listening to an audio recording (which often results in the loss of key information).

Video content brings down the barriers between a company and its customers.

Video content brings down the barriers between a company and its customers. It’s more engaging than text or social media, can be used to break through language barriers, and appeals to global audiences.

Video content is an excellent way for companies to communicate with their target audience in an effective way that will not only help them achieve their goals but also improve brand awareness and reputation online.

Videos can be used to break through language barriers and appeal to global audiences.

Video is a universal medium. It transcends language barriers and can be translated into different languages, making it an ideal tool for reaching global audiences.

For example, suppose you have a video that explains how to use your product or service in English. In that case, you can translate the video into other languages by using subtitles or dubbing over the original dialogue with another actor who speaks those languages fluently (or at least more fluently than you do). This allows you to expand your reach beyond just English speakers without having to create new content from scratch.

A well-made commercial video can attract new customers, increase foot traffic and boost sales.

A well-made commercial video can attract new customers, increase foot traffic and boost sales.

It’s no secret that the world has become a more global market. Consumers are everywhere and they’re just as likely to be shopping online or on their mobile devices as they are in person at your local store. As a result, it’s important for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach beyond local markets if they want to stay competitive in today’s economy.

High-quality videos tend to outperform lower-quality ones by a significant margin.

  • Higher engagement rates: High-quality videos have been shown to generate higher engagement rates than their low-budget counterparts. When you’re creating your own video content and marketing plan, it’s important to consider how you can make sure that your viewers stay engaged with what they’re watching and don’t click away. This will help ensure that they get the most out of their experience with your brand or company!
  • Higher average time spent on the page: A study by Wistia found that users who watched videos were more likely than those who didn’t watch any video at all (or just scrolled past) in terms of average time spent on the page; this means that people may be spending more time reading through articles or looking at other sections within an article as well – which could lead directly into increased conversions from sales leads generated through these sources!

Commercial video production can be an effective way to expand your reach and engage with new audiences

Commercial video production can be an effective way to expand your reach and engage with new audiences. Video can break through language barriers, attract new customers, increase foot traffic, and boost sales.

Video is one of the most powerful types of content because it’s visual and we all know that people respond more strongly to visuals than text. It also has a wider reach than other types of content: 93% of marketing professionals say that video helps them connect with their audience on a deeper level ( HubSpot ). In fact, research shows that high-quality videos outperform lower-quality ones by a significant margin (upwards of 80%) when it comes to driving conversions ( MarketingSherpa ).


While it may seem like a daunting task to produce your own commercial video, there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. You can hire a professional production team or use an app like Magisto to create your own high-quality videos at home and they’ll still look like they were professionally shot! The key is finding the right tool for your needs and budget so that your business is able to reach new customers around the world without breaking the bank.

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