Google has never stopped surprising us with its rich features and now Google is dedicatedly working on a feature known as “Tab Freeze” to integrate into Chrome’s Web browser.

I believe you have already guessed what is Tab Freeze. 

If not let me tell you that, Tab Freeze will pause any extra tabs that is open in your browser and that will increase the browsing speed and help you save CPU usage and battery life.

Too many open tabs simply mean too many web pages. We open too many tabs even if we don’t use them. These web pages together will utilize your system memory and slows down your system. Every active content present in the web pages will cut out CPU resources in the backdrop and this will eventually lead to slow down your system speed.

We should never keep multiple tabs open in our browsers because it will make Chrome less responsive. Due to this reason, Google already came up with “Tab Discarding” options back in the year 2015 and now it is going to roll out its new feature “Tab Freeze”

So, before we hop into any conversation about “Tab Freeze”, we must figure out what is Tab discarding and how it used to work. Therefore, it will be simpler for you to understand and relate to “Tab Freeze”.

Tab Discarding: What is it and How does it work?

Tab Discarding can simply be said as a memory saving feature built by Google to reduce the RAM burden and usage. It enables Chrome to automatically discard tabs that are not important to you and especially if you are on low memory. So if you head back to the same destination, you will see it has been discarded and you have to click on it to reload the page.

But how would Google understand what’s essential for you and what’s not?

Chrome will not discard the ones you are constantly interacting with. It will discard the tabs which are not being used for a long time or hours. And when Chrome discards a specific tab, it also removes it from the system memory. 

I hope Tab Discarding is now clear to you, so without wasting time let’s hop onto features and applications of Tab Freezing ad how can it help to save your battery and reduce CPU usage.

How you can save CPU and Battery with Chrome’s “Tab Freezing” feature

To start with features of Tab Freezing, let’s make it clear that Tab Discarding is way too different from Tab Freezing. When a tab freezes, all its page content will stay in your system memory. 

Despite the tabs being frozen, the content or elements on the webpage of that tab won’t be able to use CPU and will not be able to perform any actions in the background as well.

Let’s suppose, you have a massive web page open in your tab and it’s continuously running scripts in the background, but Chrome will automatically freeze the tab and will cease it from performing further actions until and unless you interact back with the web pages.    

Google hasn’t yet rolled this update. Tab freezing is an experimental feature and it is engineered into the current stable versions of Chrome 77 which can only be initiated manually.  In the upcoming Chrome 79, it will be able to automatically freeze the tabs.

Chrome Canary has several options available for tab freezing and if you navigate to chrome: // flags and search for “Tab Freeze”. Multiple options will help Chrome to automatically detect and freeze “eligible: tabs after they have been in the background for 5 minutes or more.                                                                                                             

It will depend on what you choose. Either Chrome will leave them frozen or it could also unfreeze the tab for ten seconds after every 15 minutes so that it gets enough time to coincide with the server and do a bit of work.

Even though Tab Freezing is an experimental feature that Google is working behind, it is certain that it is coming to the stable versions of Chrome as soon as possible.

Learn How to use Tab Freeze or Tap Discard in Chrome

You can use both the features in Google chrome if you wish.

Just head to your Google Chrome browser and type chrome:// discards in the URL field of the browser. Once you type in the words, a diagnostic page will automatically show up. It will display all the current tabs that are open and let you know you would be able to freeze or discard them completely.

You can check the status of your tabs under the “Actions” column which is one the extreme right side of the page. From here you can check both the options which are available one by one and see if it works out.

Why “Tap Freeze” will be a very useful feature in the future

If your system’s memory is almost full, Chrome will automatically discard tabs you are not using. This discarded tap will help free up more space. But even if you have a lot of memory, Chrome will soon check the freezing tabs that you are not communicating with and will freeze them to save CPU usage and battery power.

This will cut out excess energy output and it will potentially make Chrome and other applications more responsive.

So, now you know all the basic information about Tap Freezing and it’s useful application.

Google is soon going to bring this Tap Freeze feature into Google Chrome as soon as possible.

So the article on  How you can save CPU and Battery with Chrome’s “Tab Freezing” comes here to an end and I believe it has enlightened you on the upcoming Chrome update.

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