“A picture is worth a thousand words,” as the popular adage says. From one perspective, videos are collections of tons of images with the element of speed. Does this even make sense? You may wonder. Perhaps, you’ve heard of terms like “motion picture” and “frames per second.” These terms depict the fluidity of images at incredible speeds to create a video effect. So, if a picture is worth a thousand words, imagine what a video would be? This brings us to the aspect of video marketing.

Content is king, they say. But imagine what you could achieve, when you incorporate that into a high-quality explainer video. Not even a thousand words would match up to your 15-second video advert. But the challenge lies in choosing the right video production company. This factor can either make or break your business campaigns. You should take it seriously.

What a Typical Video Production Process Looks Like

Shooting a video for a commercial is not the same as having personal video coverage of a friend’s birthday party or wedding anniversary. It’s not the same as picking up your phone and hitting the record button. A lot of work goes into making a statement with a marketing video. Once you’ve found the right production team, you have to follow these steps:

  • Briefing – this is where you discuss your goals and objectives with the entire team, which can be either in-house or a third-party.
  • Pre-production – so yes, Tom, Will, and Anna understand your business scope and its alignment with your video production project. It’s time for them to create the storyboard, set up the production, and choose the best free video editing software and equipment, scout for ideal locations, get an extra hand, if needed, and many more.
  • Production – it is time for the real deal. The production team has to create video footage, background music, animated elements, and other effects to match the campaign requirements. Good job guys! Way to go.
  • Post-production – the video is in place, but some aspects are out of line. It is time to piece them perfectly to create a harmonious marketing video and prepare it for distribution.

Other Aspects to Consider

Perhaps, you want your animation to be unique or patterned similarly to someone’s; you can discuss this with your production team. Bear in mind that the quality of your video content determines the engagement rate your business receives. Do you want instant conversion? Focus on creating evergreen videos. You don’t have to post video content daily. Remember, its quality over quantity. With a top-quality video, your business gets engagement for long periods.

Of course, production bills are not going to sort themselves. You need money to make videos. What is your dedicated budget? Is it one your production team can work with conveniently? How long will the project last? These are questions worth asking. You need a production company that can make your ideas come alive. The final content should reflect your business requirements and your target audience’s needs.

Any Other Thing Worth Mentioning?

It is essential to understand your target market. Who are they and what do they need? Also, understand that you are in business to satisfy your customers and make profits. As such, your video content should reflect these goals.

There is so much online content today that people’s attention span is naturally becoming smaller and smaller. Identifying your target buyers is an important step to growing your business, but that is the easy part. The bigger challenge is figuring out how to grab their attention in that very limited window when they scroll past your content on social media – that window sometimes last less than a second.

To stand out, you need to create captivating, informative and memorable content that encourages the viewer to watch it first and foremost. When they have watched it, you need them to take a positive step to buying your product right away, or nurturing them into the start of a sales cycle that will hopefully conclude with them being your new customer.

Creating this compelling early stage content is the role of a good video production agency. Whether you pick short, animated 2D videos or longer more flashy 3D productions, your content needs to stand out for the right reasons for it to be successful. Hiring the right video production agency is vital to getting the outcomes you need from your videos. So invest some time to make the right decision, and you will reap the rewards.